TDOC Episode #93: The Lighthouse & Dolemite Is My Name

In this week’s episode, Robert Pattinson & Willem Dafoe team up for an ole sea yarn in The Lighthouse while Eddie Murphy fucks up some motherfuckers in Dolemite Is My Name.

TDOC Episode #86: Once Upon a Time … in Hollywood, The Lion King & Toy Story 4

In this week’s episode, Quentin Tarantino delivers one of the more unique films of his career in Once Upon a Time … in Hollywood, Pixar has a case of sequel-itis with Toy Story 4 & The Lion King remake exists…but should it?

TDOC Episode #55: The Predator, A Simple Favor & 1927’s Wings

In this week’s episode, Shane Black does his best Shane Black impression in The Predator while Paul Feig does the audience A Simple Favor by actually directing a movie. Andrew will also share his wrap-up thoughts on his TIFF experience while we also kick-off our brand new feature where we will be examining every Oscar winner for Best Picture ever.