TDOC Episode #101: 1917 & Our 2019 Movie Catch-Up

In this week’s episode, Ryan and Andrew finish off the year in film that was 2019 with Sam Mendes’ one-take opus 1917 as well as catch-up on the releases they missed throughout the year including The Nightingale, The Last Black Man in San Francisco, Crawl, Transit, Climax, Bombshell, Toy Story 4 & Greener Grass, among others.

TDOC Episode #86: Once Upon a Time … in Hollywood, The Lion King & Toy Story 4

In this week’s episode, Quentin Tarantino delivers one of the more unique films of his career in Once Upon a Time … in Hollywood, Pixar has a case of sequel-itis with Toy Story 4 & The Lion King remake exists…but should it?