TDOC Episode #179: Halloween Ends, Hellraiser, The Munsters & Blonde

In this week’s episode, Blonde is a downer, The Munsters is an upper, Hellraiser is a bummer, and evil finally dies tonight in Halloween Ends.

TDOC Episode #158: West Side Story & Nightmare Alley

In this week’s episode, Steven Spielberg embraces the Hollywood musical with West Side Story while Guillermo del Toro takes a stroll down Nightmare Alley.

TDOC Episode #157: Spider-Man: No Way Home & The Matrix Resurrections

In this week’s episode, existing footage of Thomas Haden Church comes to the MCU in Spider-Man: No Way Home while we get Lana Wachowski’s New Nightmare in The Matrix Resurrections.

TDOC Episode #86: Once Upon a Time … in Hollywood, The Lion King & Toy Story 4

In this week’s episode, Quentin Tarantino delivers one of the more unique films of his career in Once Upon a Time … in Hollywood, Pixar has a case of sequel-itis with Toy Story 4 & The Lion King remake exists…but should it?

TDOC Episode #81: Aladdin & Booksmart

In this week’s episode, Aladdin gets a live-action reimagining from Guy Ritchie while actress Olivia Wilde makes her directorial debut with Booksmart.

TDOC Episode #75: Us & Gloria Bell

In this week’s episode, the best actress race gets off to a hot start as Lupita Nyong’o embraces the horror for Jordan Peele in Us while Julianne Moore experiences life and all its difficulties in Gloria Bell.

TDOC Episode #58: A Star is Born & Venom

In this week’s episode, Andrew flies solo with his thoughts on Bradley Cooper & Lady Gaga taking the music world by storm in A Star is Born as well as Tom Hardy camping it up in Venom.